Update 2025

Amy Pieters (althans haar bewindvoerder) en SD Worx-Protime hadden een zakelijk verschil van inzicht over de afwikkeling van het contract nadat Amy in 2021 hard ten val is gekomen en niet meer als wielrenster actief kon zijn. Dit verschil van inzicht heeft uiteindelijk geleid tot een gerechtelijke procedure. ... Meer lezen

Haarlems dagblad

Artikel over Amy in het Haarlems dagblad; Ruim anderhalf jaar na haar heftige val tijdens een training kan Amy Pieters weer zelfstandig lopen en zelfs fietsen. Praten lukt de Nederlands-, Europees en wereldkampioene nog niet. ... Meer lezen

Summer ’23

Amy is doing very well physically, but the prospects from her mental situation are not yet the way we want to hear and see them. Although Amy is still showing progress in this, it does not seem to be enough for the time being to be able to live independently. ... Meer lezen


Her rehabilitation can sometimes go less good. This is mainly due to a number of setbacks that she had to deal with. Amy has had several epileptic seizures in a short period of time that slowed down her recovery. ... Meer lezen

Catawiki auction

Catawiki is organizing a charity auction for the recovery of Amy Pieters. You can bid on 36 unique items, like signed cycling jerseys, Tom Dumoulin's Cervélo R5, VIP tickets, clinics etc. The auction ends on December 23rd. ... Meer lezen

Wooning Zesdaagse Rotterdam

We cannot find the right words and appreciation for what everybody during the ZesDaagse has done for Amy in terms of caring attention, great effort and the financial support you have achieved. Overwhelming and much appreciated. ... Meer lezen